Salt & Earth
“Salt & Earth” presents a novel technique of ceramic slip-casting in salt molds. The project explores different fabrication methods of salt molds and their effects on ceramics. During the study, dedicated work tools were developed by utilizing computer design and 3D printing. In addition, chemical analyses were conducted in collaboration with Prof. Daniel Mandler’s lab at the Hebrew University. It was found that material exchanges and diffusions occur between the mold and the ceramic material, creating a unique bidirectional mold that not only absorbs but also grants qualities to the ceramicware. Moreover, the mold may be produced out of salt remains widely available in different industries and can be recycled at the end of use. After the ceramic vessel is extracted, salt crystals form on the surface. In the kiln, the salt turns into natural pigments and glazes, providing the ceramic vessel a unique one-of-a-kind aesthetic appearance.